Kisses from Katie...

I have so much on my heart and there are so many exciting things going on in the community now, and I can't wait to share them with you as they unfold over the next couple of weeks.  This past week we went to the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) conference in Indianapolis.  It was a really great chance to get away with the staff of Mission Adelante, spend time together and learn about the Kingdom Work that is happening all over the country and around the world.  We flew to Indianapolis and I got the chance to read, which is something I rarely have time for. 

I read the book Kisses from KatieKisses from Katie on the way to the conference and just had to share about it.  I had heard of Katie and her ministry in Africa before, and was really excited to read the book.  What got me even more excited was in the description on the back cover Katie talked about essentially living between two worlds and the struggles that go with that.  Being caught between the way you envisioned your life to be, and the plan God has for you.

The book did not let me down.  Katie was honest in describing the struggles that she faced.  Figuring out what was her new normal, and accepting the fact that the Lord's plan for her life was dramatically different than anyone, including her could have imagined.  Her story resonated with me in a very strong way.  The life I live now isn't one I could have ever imagined for myself, and even though I live in Kansas City, Kansas and not Africa I have some of the same feelings and struggles.  Feeling the same emotions of being caught between two worlds, and looking back at an old life that seems both foreign and comfortable all at the same time.  Yet, being able to rest in an unrelenting peace that the Lord has directed your steps in a way you wouldn't be able to imagine.   

So basically, I highly recommend this book and had to share with you my favorite quote from it. 
 It was Katie's response as to why she cared so much and why the Lord cares so much for us: 

"Because the Lord who created you loves you, because he created you for a purpose and He wants you to fulfill that purpose.  Because the God who knows every hair on your head desires to lift you out of the dust and in to His glory."

Katie's ministry:

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